Стихи Агнии Барто

Russian Slang and Idioms. Lesson 15.

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Well, hello! In today’s lesson I wanted to share with you a few important words, phrases and sentences that will help you describe the symptoms of being sick in Russian.  Before we start talking about pain and and not feeling well, I want to wish you health and wellness from the bottom of my heart!  I hope you always feel good, happy and healthy! Sending only positive vibes your way.

Okay, back to the “How to Talk About Being Sick in Russian” lesson.  Let’s dive in.

If you want to say that you don’t feel well in Russian use the following Russian phrases:

Мне плохо [MNYE PLO-ha] I feel bad
Мне нехорошо [MNYE nee-ha-ra-SHO] I don’t feel well

Я плохо себя чувствую [YA PLO-ha see-BYA CHOOS-tvoo-yoo] I feel bad, I don’t feel well

Use the phrases below to say “I got sick” or “I am sick” in Russian:
Я болен [YA BO-lyen] – I am sick (masc.)
Я больна [YA bal’-NA] –  I am sick (fem.)

Я заболел [YA za-ba-LYEL] – I got sick (masc.)
Я заболела [YA za-ba-LYE-la] – I got sick (fem.)

Вы заболели [VI za-ba-LYE-lee] you got sick (plural)

If you want to explain that you have pain in a specific place of your body in Russian, you can say:

У меня болит… [oo mee-NYA ba-LEET] – I have pain in… (and then add the noun that would indicated where you are experiencing pain in the nominative case. Easy!)

Want to learn more Russian words? Download my free Conversational Russian ebook. 
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Feel free to download and share this infographic with words describing being sick in Russian:

Not Feeling Well in Russian

У тебя болит… [oo tee-BYA ba-LEET] – you have pain in…

У него/ неё болит… [oo nee-GO ba-LEET]- he has pain in…

У нас болит… [oo NAS ba-LEET] – we have pain in…
У вас болит… [oo VAS ba-LEET] – you have pain in…
У них болит… [oo NEEH ba-LEET] – they have pain in…

Hopefully, this will not happen, but it’s always better to prepared, right? Use these words below to describe pain in a specific place of your body in Russian. Of course, you can use other nouns as appropriate.

живот [zhee-VOT] stomach
голова [ga-la-VA] head
горло [GOR-lo] throat
спина [spee-NA] back
нога [na-GA] leg
рука [roo-KA] hand
зуб [ZOOP] tooth
палец [PA-lyets] finger

And here are a few examples:

У меня болит голова [oo mee-NYA ba-LEET ga-la-VA] I have a headache
У меня болит живот [oo mee-NYA ba-LEET zhee-VOT] I have a stomach ache
У меня болит горло [oo mee-NYA ba-LEET GOR-la] My throat hurts

If want to explain that you are sick in Russian, you need to be prepared to explain your symptoms and how they make you feel. Russian phrases below will help you describe various symptoms and how they make you feel in Russian.

In case you have a cold or flu, you will need to know the following symptoms in Russian:

У меня кашель  [oo mee-NYA KA-shyel’] I have cough
Я кашляю  [YA KASH-lya-yoo] I cough, I am coughing
У меня насморк [oo mee-NYA NAS-mark] I have a runny nose
У меня простуда [oo mee-NYA pras-TOO-da] I have a cold
Я простудился [ya pras-too-DEEL-sya] I got sick
Я простудилась [ya pras-too-DEE-las’] I got sick
У меня грипп [oo mee-NYA GREEP] I have flu
У меня кружится голова [oo mee-NYA KROO-zhee-tsa ga-la-VA] I am dizzy
Я чихаю [YA chee-HA-yoo] I sneeze
У меня слабость [oo mee-NYA SLA-bast’] I feel weak
У меня высокая температура [oo mee-NYA vi-SO-ka-ya teem-pee-ra-TOO-ra] I have a fever

Want to learn more Russian words? Download my free Conversational Russian ebook. 
Want to learn Russian fast? Check out my online courses. 

Feel free to share this infographic with symptoms of cold and flu in Russian:

Cold and flue symptoms in Russian

If you had a food poisoning, you will need to know the following symptoms of being sick in Russian:

Меня тошнит [mee-NYA tash-NEET] I feel nauseous
У меня пищевое отравление [oo mee-NYA pee-shchye-VO-ye at-rav-LYE-nee-ye] I have food poisoning
Я отравился [YA at-ra-VEEL-sya] I poisoned (masc.)
Я отравилась  [YA at-ra-VEE-las’] I poisoned (fem.)

А что ты ел/ела?  [a SHTO TI YEL/ YE-la] and what did you eat?

If you want to explain that you are allergic to something in Russian, use the following phrases:

У меня аллергия [oo mee-NYA a-lyer-GEE-ya] I have an allergy

У меня аллергия на клубнику [oo mee-NYA a-lyer-GEE-ya na kloob-NEE-koo] I have allergy for strawberries

If someone is concerned about your health, they will ask you these questions in Russian:

Какие у тебя/ у вас симптомы? [ka-KEE-ye oo tee-BYA/ oo VAS seemp-TO-mi] what symptoms do you have?
Как ты себя чувствуешь? [KAK TI see-BYA CHOOS-tvoo-yesh] how do you feel?
Как вы себя чувствуете? [KAK  VI see-BYA CHOOS-tvoo-yee-tye] how do you feel?

Тебе/ вам плохо? [tee-BYE/ VAM PLO-ha] you are not feeling well?

Тебе/ вам лучше? [tee-BYE/ VAM LOO-chshye] are you feeling better?

У тебя/ вас что-то болит? [oo tee-BYA/ VAS SHTO-ta ba-LEET] do you have pain somewhere?
Тебе/ вам больно? [tee-BYE/ VAM BOL’-na] do you feel pain?
Где у тебя/вас болит? [GDYE oo tee-BYA/ VAS ba-LEET] where do you feel pain?

If you decided that you want to go and see a doctor, use the following Russian phrases:

Мне нужно обратиться к врачу [MNYE NOOZH-na ab-ra-TEE-tsa k vra-CHOO] I need to see a doctor
Мне нужно к врачу [MNYE NOOZH-na k VRA-choo] I need a doctor
Я иду к врачу [YA ee-DOO k vra-CHOO] I’m going to see a doctor
Иди(те) к врачу! [ee-DEE-(tye) k vra-CHOO] go to see a doctor!
Давай(те) врача вызовем [da-VAY-tye vra-CHA VI-za-vyem] let’s call a doctor to come and visit us

And to end on a positive note, if you are concerned about someone’s health and want to wish them well in Russian you can say:
Скорее выздоравливай(те)! [ska-RYE-ye viz-da-RAV-lee-vay-tye] get well soon!
Всё будет хорошо [FSYO BOO-dyet ha-ra-SHO] everything is going to be well

And these were all of the words and phrases about being sick in Russian that I wanted to share with you today. I hope you always stay healthy and feel well! Did you enjoy this post, please share it!
Want to learn more Russian words? Download my free Conversational Russian ebook. 
Want to learn Russian fast? Check out my online courses. 

Study with Maxim Achkasov


The courses of Russian as a foreign language with Russian4real take place online via Skype. The teacher works with adults individually since he is convinced that each person must receive maximum time for practice and professional attention while learning a foreign language.
